Thursday, January 15, 2009

oh man

it's been awhile, no?

sorry blogger. i've been a busy lady. sorry friends with blogs. i've been a really busy lady.

and right now i'm a tired lady. so...i'm not really posting anything. jsut saying, i've been busy.

and had i actually booked that commercial, i'd be turning on my heat. but since i didn't (but i was close enough for them to tell me i was close), no heat. and it's going to be 10 degrees this weekend. fucking wow.

but, i erckon i have other things on my mind, right now, too.


don't feel bad, little blog...i haven't worked out in about a month either. i used to have muscles...sigh...

i promise, something 'important' will go here in the near future.

but tonight - Sleep.


Anonymous said...

Dag, dude. Don't freeze. We can has slumber party, with heat, at Rob's where I am house-sitting! No Evecicles, seriously...

mamaevel said...

well, i finalyl broke down and have decided to go into debt (i hope not, but still) and have my landlord turn on my heat tomorrow.

but the cat is still headed to woodstock for this ungodly colod weekend.