Tuesday, March 10, 2009

march madness

no, not basketball.

no, not even go fug yourself march madness.

March Madness. the big thaw. the spring fever. the end of hibernation.

yes, i know that spring doesn't officially start until march 20. yes, i know that the grass in piedmont park is still sepia-toned. yes, i know that a week ago there was heavy snowfall here in georgia. i know. I know.

but it's been so ridiculous and spring time these past few days, i can't help but be ready for spring. and let's face it folks, i'ev been ready for spring since, like, january 15. because that's how i roll. i hate cold weather. Hate It. so ready for change.

and that's the big thing about spring and fall - change. Big Sweeping Change. which was really the whole theme of 2008 for me, but season changes make it much easier. and it's harder to see that with winter and summer because - down here at least - it seems like they slowly work their way into the tail end of spring and fall. also, winter sucks.

anyway, it's been a year so far. i haven't gone bankrupt yet (and it seems like i might make close to the minimum amount of money i need to survive this month), although i do owe taxes. my back and lamp got broken and i'm blaming the same thing for these events. i've had jury duty. gotten paid for some things, not paid for others. finally turned my heat on (and look forward to turning it off again in a few weeks). dated a dude. not dated a dude. become obsessed with yoga. tossing around the idea of going back to school this time for - drumroll please - fashion design. been to a trucker bar (seriously, it was AMAZING!). shopped at wal-mart (i know, but i had a reason). broke a tire, cracked my radiator and started making weekly drives to cumming, ga (ha) to teach high schoolers improvisation. started classes at jackpie. been to helen, ga. and now i'm excited about gonig to the big-ass parking lot carnival on sunday and bacon fest in two-ish weeks.

and no, i still don't have a second part-time job. but i'm making things work, somehow, and i can't ask for much more than that. i have food and a place to live. and an amazing network of family and friends who forgive me for my winter solitude and general tendency to be too busy to pull my ass out of my head and say hello every once in a while.

so yes. it is springtime. i have the march madness. i am so fucking ready for the warm spots in this year.


jenn said...

Glad to have you back! Even for all my love of fall and winter, I can't wait for spring, either. Here's hoping the change brings wonderful things to you!

mamaevel said...

thanks, jenn! it's good to be back-ish.

i hope you have a wonderful spring full of new awesome things, as well.