Wednesday, September 10, 2008

oh wait, no

there's more.

this is the fall, and in the fall i tend to have really strange, vivid dreams. spring, too. damn you, transitional seasons! i think this is partially because fall tends to be me making big life changes, and spring tends to be a giant relief for me. in any event, weird dreams. a lot. and they're sometimes funny. so i share now a funny one and leave it up to interpretation.

so, i'm standing around with a bunch of friends, chatting away, and we're all talking about our days or whatever, and someone asks me what i did all day. and i go 'ugh, i was at work all day'. and then my dream jump cuts to my work. my work in this dream, apparently was sitting in a really hot room all day, poking some guy wearing tighty-whiteys in the balls with a sawed off broomstick. his job was, apparently, to be poked by me in the balls with a sawed off broomstick. i had some vague idea that this may have been for science, but there wasn't anyone watching or keeping track of what was happening. i couldn't see the dudes face, absolutely zero abuot this dream was sexy. all i could see was underwears, some torso, some thighs. i'd poke him, pretty gently in the balls, wait for him to sound like he was not in pain and then poke him again. all day. this was my job.

i have no clue what this means. unless me poking a dude in the balls was somehow analagous to working at norcostco...which...i kind of doubt. although, i dunno, i remember hating the balls-poking job in the dream and i REALLY hated the can say?

but yeah. it's pretty funny. no? get drunk, then read this again. Funny? Funny.


mmyers said...

Maybe you guys were underwear testers?

Sometimes my job feels like getting hit in the balls but purely in a metaphorical way.

maryk said...

i am withholding HOW funny it is until i find out how much you -- AND he -- were getting paid.

mamaevel said...

i don't know that payment was actually discussed. it seemed like the job irritated me enough that it may have been pro bono.
