Friday, October 31, 2008

this week

i have a story about this morning, but i'm pretty scattered right now. so you get another list.

well, well, the past week things have been a little nutty? i'll tell you...

this past week (from last friday to this friday)

i have:
worked (and taught a lot of spider lessons in the process)
worn bunny ears
pissed off, and been pissed off by some 8th graders
bowled with my parents
visited my grandma in the hospital
watched sleeping beauty
carved a pumpkin
walked around in my favorite cemetary whilst wearing a stupid costume
drank chipolte-mango hot chocolate spiked with bailey's
fought (on stage)
worn my winter coat, scarf, gloves, and atlanta...
cursed the weather
gotten a flat tire
changed said flat tire
gone to therapy
bought groceries
wondered what the hell to 'be' for halloween
took a few naps
looked for and applied to several jobs that don't look half-bad (fingers crossed ya'll)
teacher assissted a class
gone to a benefit in a stupid costume
seen two people i haven't seen since high school
done a show
shooed a squirrel from my laundry heard me.
got tire repaired for FREE
went to the halloween store on halloween (mistake)
been to the thrift store
discovered my love for teh Family Dollar
still wondered what the hell to be for halloween
not replied to e-mails
replied to e-mails
been summoned to jury duty for the first time ever

and occassionally i've found time to eat and breathe, too.

so, i guess...all of this is to say that october has been retarded busy for me. Re-tarded. but mostly pretty fun. if only i were getting paid full time...

ps - did you know that the Halloween Spirit Stores sell hooker shoes? At reasonable prices? well, they apparently do...mama may be stopping by on Nov 1 (possibly 2) to see how low they're willing to go on those prices...yeesh.

happy halloween, fools!

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