Monday, August 11, 2008

i don't know what it is about mondays...

but i just can't motivate myself to do anything worthwhile at work. i just can't.

especially if i've had to work on saturday. it's almost like i'm re-claiming my two-days in a row weekend by dicking around for the 8.5 hours that i'm here on monday. yeah, that'll show them.

here's something:

this is my last salaried week here. my last '40 hour' week here (tomorrow i'm gone to help grandma move from my parent's house to a retirement/assisted living place...yikes and then wednesday i leave early for therapy). next week i start three weeks of insane amounts of work. 22 hours at the new place, 29 here. that's 51 hours, folks. it's gonna be nuts.

why so much time at the work, you may be asking. good question. if i work that much, i can make it through the end of september and not starve or get evicted or have to live off candle light and water wheels. so if the worst case scenario comes to fruition - i.e. i can't find a new part-time job to supplement my new Awesome part-time job until like october (or if i don't get paid for a second p-t until october) i'll still be okay for a month.

and if things go on longer i'm looking into medical trials and egg donation. you heard me.

so tonight when i get home, the plan is to nap, workout, make dinner, apply for some jorbs, watch episode 2 of six feet under (just saw the first one for the very first time last night, and might i add...HoLy Shit.), shower, sleep, rise early, drive to woodstock, move grandma, lunch?, come home, look for jorbs, take nap, thrift store?, work out, dinner, apply for jorbs, deal with whatever other crises may have arisen in a 48 hour period.

and i already feel like this weekend was a train that ran me over.


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